Kishore Kumar Sharma

Publicity Chair

Robert Bosch, Bangalore

One can have Passion and interest in exploring what they feel. Kishore Kumar an Industrial Pathfinder, had found the zealousness in the stream of Electrical Engineering and driven into it with great ebullience and twin obligations. After he had a voyage of 4 years span in his stream he found vehemence in Bio Medical Engineering which became his Master’s Degree.

His magnificent performance lead him to start his Industrial Quest with Robert Bosch (RBEI Pvt. Ltd.) and acquired more than 3 years of experience in Car Multimedia. His Explorations took him to IEEE Organization, and had served in IEEE YOUNG PROFESSIONALS, Bangalore Section as EXECOM member since 2016. As the time goes he had been elected as Secretary for 2019 year. He even had his two publications published under IEEE international conferences. On the other hand he has become the Vice Chairman of India Council 2020.

IEEE being a platform for students and professional, want to bridge the gap which is still missing. He had been trying to make the stack holders aware of how IEEE can change their career very efficiently. And to build an first-rate interactive connection between IEEE and the people out of it, he had been Handling the IEEE Bangalore Section Social Media Team with ardour.